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St Bartholomew's

Primary Academy

Hand in hand we learn, we grow, we soar


‘I don’t give up and I bounce back from my mistakes.’


‘I treat others how I would like to be treated.’


‘I am friendly and caring in my words and actions.’


‘I am honest and helpful and make the right choices.’


‘I rise to a challenge and I am brave.’


‘I have love for myself, for others and for God.’

Maths At Home Booklets

Maths at Home Booklets

This page is intended to support you with using our 'Maths at Home' booklets. It contains useful resources which can be printed to support the maths games in the books.
It is our aspiration, that using the games in the children's Maths at Home booklets, or using the games and resources on this page, children at St Bartholomew's will become increasingly fluent in their known number facts such as number bonds and times tables.
These games have been created alongside Liz Hopkins a leading maths consultant and should only be printed for personal use.