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St Bartholomew's

Primary Academy

Hand in hand we learn, we grow, we soar


‘I don’t give up and I bounce back from my mistakes.’


‘I treat others how I would like to be treated.’


‘I am friendly and caring in my words and actions.’


‘I am honest and helpful and make the right choices.’


‘I rise to a challenge and I am brave.’


‘I have love for myself, for others and for God.’

Vision and Values

Below is an animation which showcases the many elements of our vision statement.

Building our vision

Still image for this video

Vision and Values

Our vision and values were built taking into account the views and opinions of all stakeholders and are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens. Our vision statement is -


Hand in hand we learn, we grow, we soar


The word 'soar' not only has connotations of reaching heights you never imagined, but also celebrates each of our classes being named after well-known birds. This statement is inspired by Isaiah 40:31 - "They will Soar on wings like eagles'. We often refer to this passage as our 'Theological underpinning' or 'Biblical foundation'.


We have 6 core values which are at the heart of all we do, and underpin this vision. 



‘I rise to a challenge and am brave.’


‘I am friendly and caring in my words and actions.’


‘I don’t give up and I bounce back from my mistakes.’


‘I am honest and helpful and make the right choices.’


‘I treat others how I would like to be treated.’


‘I have love for myself, for others and for God.’


Our Mission

At St Bartholomew's, our mission is to provide the best education for each individual child within a Christian environment.  We will do this by providing a firm spiritual foundation, based on Christian values, beliefs and principles, and by equipping all pupils with the skills and enthusiasm for learning which will serve them throughout their school lives and beyond.


We provide a safe and secure, caring and happy, welcoming, innovative and inspiring environment, with an enriched curriculum, where children will recognise and achieve their fullest potential, enabling them to grow as responsible citizens.

Our aspiration is that children will leave our school with:


  • A set of spiritual and Christian values - honesty, integrity and responsibility.
  • A variety of skills - linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, physical and social.
  • ​An enquiring and discriminating mind with a desire for knowledge and a life-long love of learning.
  • Strong self-esteem and high personal expectations.
  • Understanding and respect for others.


We value the partnership that exists between school, parents, church and community and the part that it plays in realising this vision. We value diversity and encourage an understanding and respect for people of different faith and of no faith. We recognise, support and celebrate different cultures and lifestyles.


Our curriculum promotes ‘British’ values of ‘democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths’ and provides opportunities for children to experience and reflect on the work, worth and worship of our school and its community.


Equal Opportunities

It is our aim to ensure that all pupils, staff and members of the school community acquire access to all aspects of school life and are treated with equal worth and importance.  Attention will be paid to age, gender, ethnicity, background and abilities and disabilities to ensure our aim of equal opportunities is met.  The Single Equalities Policy is available for parents to read in the entrance hall.


