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St Bartholomew's

Primary Academy

Hand in hand we learn, we grow, we soar


‘I don’t give up and I bounce back from my mistakes.’


‘I treat others how I would like to be treated.’


‘I am friendly and caring in my words and actions.’


‘I am honest and helpful and make the right choices.’


‘I rise to a challenge and I am brave.’


‘I have love for myself, for others and for God.’


The school has a clear and consistent Homework Policy which aims:

  • To ensure consistency of approach throughout the school.
  • To ensure parents have a clear understanding about the school’s expectations.
  • To set out the role of parents, pupils and teachers with regard to homework and offer guidance.


The purpose of homework is:


  • To provide opportunities for parents and pupils to work together to enjoy learning experiences
  • To develop an effective partnership between the school and parents
  • To extend and support pupils’ learning through reinforcement and revision
  • To consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding, particularly in literacy and numeracy
  • To ensure progression towards independence and individual responsibility
  • To encourage pupils to develop the confidence and self-discipline required for individual study
  • To prepare pupils for the demands of secondary school


The success of homework relies on the partnership of parent, teacher and child.  Parents are requested to support the school’s Homework Policy and in particular to:

  • Provide a reasonably peaceful, suitable place for doing homework
  • Make it clear to your child that you value homework and support the school in explaining how it can help their learning
  • Expect deadlines to be met and check that they are
  • Encourage and praise your child’s efforts and achievements, and for completing their homework
  • As far as is possible, and when appropriate, try to become actively involved in joint homework activities.


Homework at the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 should take approximately one hour per week. All children should take their reading book home every night and read or discuss the book at home at least four times per week. In addition, when they are ready, children may be given groups of words to practise, spellings to learn and/or number activities to complete.


For Key Stage 2 children, the homework set over the course of the week should take between one to two and a half hours.  This will include reading and spellings and may also include literacy and numeracy tasks.  KS2 pupils will be given a Homework Book which acts as a home-school link for pupils, staff and parents.
